Brandon Fluharty
👋 Welcome! This is where I publicly share the personal operating system I used to go from earning $200K to over $1M/yr without burning out in tech sales. 🐝
2y ago

Confession: I used to not read that much.

Wow! It's weird saying that, because now I can't get enough.

These books changed the way I think and operate, and helped me develop a system to go from intrapreneur to entrepreneur:

1. The Daily Stoic, Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman

It's a staple for keeping me grounded and a daily reminder to let go of what I can't control.

2. The Almanack of Naval Ravikant, Eric Jorgenson

Simply a must-read for any knowledge worker who wants to achieve a great life.

3. The Perfect Day Formula, Craig Ballantyne

Super short, but highly impactful for designing a system around "own the morning and own the day."

4. Getting Things Done, David Allen

Read this years ago, but still fully bought-in on this timeless productivity system.

5. Atomic Habits, James Clear

Learning to make tiny changes to form good habits, while dropping the bad ones, was key for my personal operating system.

6. Deep Work, Cal Newport

Want to make massive leaps forward in a distracted world? Cultivating the consistent practice of deep work gets you there.

7. When, Daniel Pink

A good rethink on the importance of managing energy, not just time.

Tough only narrowing down to 7, but these are the ones impacting my work the most today as I build and scale my solopreneur business.

What's on your list?




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