Brandon Fluharty
πŸ‘‹ Welcome! This is where I publicly share the personal operating system I used to go from earning $200K to over $1M/yr without burning out in tech sales. 🐝
2y ago

In order to elevate to the top of your craft, you need to master the workday, every day.

On paper I was not supposed to succeed - no college degree, bankrupt, and a socially awkward introvert. Yet I went on to have a successful career at the very top of SaaS sales, having closed over $50M in just the past four years alone with some of the word's most iconic brands.

Now I've retired early from the corporate world to share this important message - when you master each day, you own your future.

The key is developing a personal operating system, and I've simplified it down into applying these 3 simple frameworks each day:

Simple Framework #1: DFC

Find your ideal daily rhythm by dividing your days into thirds and applying Discipline + Flexibility + Curiosity

  • Start the day with Discipline (Perform like The Athlete). Athletes know exactly how to prep themselves to perform at an elite level.

  • Manage the middle with Flexibility (Perform like The Artist). Artists know how to get in the zone and adapt on the fly.

  • End the day with Curiosity (Perform like The Scientist). Scientists aren’t guided by emotion, but instead, experiment using data to make things better.

Simple Framework #2 (A): Fill Your TEA

Most professionals focus on trying to only manage their time, but elite professionals guard and optimize all three (time, energy, and attention).

Simple Framework #2 (B): Protect Your TEA

Protect your TEA with DEADOP: Define It, Delegate It, Eliminate It, Automate It, Outsource It, or Prioritize It.

It starts by defining the activity by asking one simple question: Does this drain my energy ("ugh, I don't want to do this") or add to my energy ("I can't wait to do this!")? If it's draining, work on delegating it, eliminating, automating it, or outsourcing it. If it adds energy, then prioritize it!

Simple Framework #4: PREP

Lastly, deliver excellence through PREP: Plan, Rest, Effort, and Perform

  • Plan - Do this as the last thing you do today so you're to go tomorrow.

  • Rest - With your mind clear, you can now rest, recharge, and rejuvenate, helping you to be fully present in other areas of your life.

  • Effort - Give 100% of your effort towards your Daily Start Routine and priority task before giving your TEA away to others.

  • Perform - Measure how well you performed against your plan at the end of the day.




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