Brandon Fluharty
👋 Welcome! This is where I publicly share the personal operating system I used to go from earning $200K to over $1M/yr without burning out in tech sales. 🐝
2y ago

Introverts aren't supposed to succeed in sales

In 2006, I was making around $45K as an Account Manager in NYC, which was my first dedicated role in sales...and it didn't go so well. I was so anxious, I had a panic attack in front of a client.

However, I stuck it out for 2 1/2 years before eventually moving on.

Fast forward to 2019, I earned $1.5M. I sold transformation deals to Fortune 50 companies. I could command a room. I was able in the 7 figure earners club 3 years in a row, which is not a common feat in sales.

In 2022, I was able to retire from the corporate world because of my earnings and launch my own creator business.

Here is my process for selling and growing as an introvert:

1/ Get comfortable being uncomfortable

My best learning experiences always came from trying.

Not over-thinking and staying in a safe box.

2/ Repurpose weaknesses as strengths

Being quiet has its advantages.

It makes me a better listener - key in sales!

3/ Focus on what is in my control

When it came to meetings...

I focused on starting and ending well.

Let go of the rest.

4/ Rethink imposter syndrome

I learned it was a healthy sign.

It showed I was making progress.

5/ Master the breathe

Before every meeting I used Box Breathing.

6/ Prioritize energy

Introverts get drained from social interaction.

Healthy routines and good habits kept energy high.

7/ Write often

Writing is the safe place for introverts.

But it has the benefit of making my ideas crisp in person.

Staying consistent was like good therapy.


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