Brandon Fluharty
👋 Welcome! This is where I publicly share the personal operating system I used to go from earning $200K to over $1M/yr without burning out in tech sales. 🐝
2y ago

Throughout our sales career, we're taught to chase the money, but as a new solopreneur it's a huge mistake!

Trading time for dollars is the hustle we're trying to escape as a W2 employee. What we really desire is freedom of choice. When you go after "low-hanging fruit" opportunities as a new solopreneur, you'll soon find you're in the same rat race you just left...but now you also have the headaches of managing a small business!

You'll also amplify these major obstacles that will hold you back:

  • Burnout

  • Exhaustion

  • Tons of frustration

  • Losing your sense of mission

I made the mistake of pursuing a lucrative consulting gig instead of protecting my time

Shortly after launching my first ebook, I was approached by a company looking to hire me on as a consultant. On the surface, it seemed like it would be a really interesting opportunity, and I'd get paid well for it!

But that was a huge mistake (and I don't want you to make it too)!

Instead, stay focused on the long-term vision

Even though I got paid handsomely in the short-term, I paid the price of giving all of my time away to this client rather than building towards the vision I had for my business. That's time I will never get back!

Luckily, I learned my lesson. Here are four simple ways to stay focused on the future:

  • Be intentional - remind yourself each day what you're building

  • Think like a designer - Operate using principles to stay in check

  • Use constraints - confine how you allocate your time (and energy)

  • Manage your lifestyle - use those past, big commission checks wisely

It's so important to stay disciplined at the start of your solopreneurship venture so you don't fall in the trap of early burnout and have to go back to working for someone else again!




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