Brandon Fluharty
👋 Welcome! This is where I publicly share the personal operating system I used to go from earning $200K to over $1M/yr without burning out in tech sales. 🐝
2y ago

The simple concept of scheduling and completing my "MIT" (Most Important Task) before I gave my time away to others changed my life.

This time last year I was a stressed out SaaS seller pushing hard to close mammoth enterprise deals in my corporate job. Even though I was top of the leaderboard, surpassing my quota, and reaching President's Club (the highest honor in sales)...I knew I wanted more for myself.

The true wealth I sought after was to be able to manage my TEA (time, energy, and attention) in a way that I wanted and could control.

Best way to launch a digital product is to just start

To make that dream a reality, I knew I had value to share and that value was helping other SaaS salespeople learn from my successes and failures.

So I just began writing. And not just write, but write with purpose and intent.

I chose to begin documenting my own journey and write to the person I was just a few years ago.

💎 Tip: If you want an easy "hack" to focus your writing, begin writing to the person you were 2 - 3 years ago.

By doing this, it helped me to hone my voice and build my tribe. I focused solely on writing on LinkedIn (where the analytics told me the majority of my engaged audience were fellow salespeople).

It was hard at first, but I stuck with it. Eventually I started getting likes, comments, and more importantly, questions via private DMs.

The tipping point to create my first ebook

Once I started getting the same questions over and over again, I knew I was on to something - it was time to create a simple guide that answered those questions.

With that insight and energy, I began incorporating a 25 minute chunk into my morning routine that was committed to completing my first ebook.

I was able to write the first draft in a month and then ship it out to a few hundred VIP salespeople and leaders for feedback and reviews.

That formed my approach to creating a more polished version and set up a launch strategy (email and content promotion campaign).

The results?

  • Launched within 6 months of ideation

  • Generated multiple lines of passive income

  • Carried over the routine to now grow on Twitter & Medium

Because this routine fortified the importance of completing a high leverage activity before I give my TEA (time, energy, and attention) away to others, I have a lifelong habit that will always keep me one step ahead!




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