Brandon Fluharty
👋 Welcome! This is where I publicly share the personal operating system I used to go from earning $200K to over $1M/yr without burning out in tech sales. 🐝
2y ago

Becoming a category of one is a must if you want to be known as a world-class expert. Following this simple framework was how I closed over $50M in SaaS deals with the world's largest brands in less than four years. Now I'm following the same blueprint as a full-time creator.

As I embarked on the transition from active strategic SaaS seller to full-time content creator, I was reminded of the powerful lesson of niching down when watching this video from Jack Butcher. It's a powerful exercise that can pay you handsomely, no matter your category.

Here's the simple framework to follow ↓

Note: Be sure to get very specific!

1. Define WHO (your audience)

→ My example: B2B2C enterprise SaaS sellers in CX

2. Define WHAT (the outcome you sell)

→ My example: Earn $1M a year in SaaS sales without burning out

3. Create a distinct PERSPECTIVE (how you help them)

→ My example: Reaching and staying in the 7 figure earners club isn't about constantly hustling and grinding, it's about developing an intentional way to operate and an intelligent system.

4. SHARE on Twitter and LinkedIn every day (to be found)

→ My example: Deliver insights and stories that educate, provoke, or entertain

Strive to be so good in your category of one that business comes to you.

The Diamond Standard would be thinking about how publications like the WSJ, Forbes, HBR, or Fast Company could come to you about this category and you could explain to the world how it works.

Do the deep work now. Become a category of one. Change your life forever.




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