Brenda Nicholson
I write about personal development, mental health, and self-care, and I believe that we need to be our own real selves.
2y ago

From childhood, women are taught to be quiet, obedient, polite, and pleasing.

Too many of us take that training too far and become doormats. People take advantage and walk all over us because they can. I once had an older co-worker convince me to do her job for her because "you do it better."

There is respecting your elders, and there is letting them use you.

Respect yourself more.

Your time, your family, and you are all more important. We should have been taught how to say no and mean it. Today, I'm going to show you how it's done.

You've heard it before - "no" is a complete sentence.

It's OK to keep saying it until someone gets it.

You're allowed to say no for whatever reason you want, to whoever you want to say it to. You don't have to come up with an excuse or a "good enough" reason. It's best to decline in a straightforward, simple way that you repeat as needed.

I'm sorry, I can't.

Thank you for thinking of me, but no.

Don't let them wear you down or guilt-trip you. No means no. My schedule is too full.

If your week consists of bingeing Netflix, your time is booked.

Saying no to things you don't want to do or don't have time for is practicing good self-care.

Remember that the next time someone asks you to do something, you'd rather not. It's in your best interests to say no. So try it.

Just say no.



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