Brenda Nicholson
I write about personal development, mental health, and self-care, and I believe that we need to be our own real selves.
2y ago

It's the start of Memorial Day weekend and we've had another school shooting.

And I feel that somehow, I need to be talking about both those things.

Memorial Day is meant to honor military members who died in active duty but I think of it as a day to honor all of our service members.

In the south - where my family is from - it is called Decoration Day. It was established just after the Civil War to honor those who had died.

For many Southerners, it's a day to visit all the family graves, clean them up, and place fresh flowers.

There will be at least 19 families in Texas placing flowers on fresh graves in the coming week.

I can't understand how we got here.

I don't have any answers to offer.

"Thoughts and prayers" are not enough.

But I'm not sure that passing a law to control guns is the answer.

Someone who walks into an elementary school with the intent of shooting and killing is not concerned with breaking the law.

If we could rid the country of all of the illegal guns, the automatic weapons - it might be a start.

Others have mentioned studying those who commit these crimes in hopes of learning how to stop them beforehand.

As I said, I have no answers; just questions.

Hopefully you have some time off this weekend and beautiful weather to enjoy.

If you feel the weight of recent events as I do, take some time for mental health and to hug your loved ones.



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