Brenda Nicholson
I write about personal development, mental health, and self-care, and I believe that we need to be our own real selves.
2y ago


I know time management sounds boring and corporate, but I don't know how else to say it. Manage your time well and you get stuff done in less time. That means you have more time for self-care.

Look, I'm a planner and productivity/time management geek.

They keep my ADHD somewhat under control.

And they give me time - the most valuable resource we have. My ADHD brain isn't good at managing time, so I've had to learn how to do it. I have tons of ideas about saving time.

Did you see yesterday's post?

Extra time is like getting to leave work early or an extra day off.

It's a luxury; it's almost self-care all by itself. You get to hang with someone you love, do what you want, enjoy life.

Because a life well-lived is the ultimate prize.

COVID has taught a lot of us that.

More and more people are quitting their jobs to do other things. My husband is retiring next month. He has worked since he was 14 or 15 years old.

That's what you did.

You work your whole life hoping you live long enough and plan well enough to retire and enjoy your last few years.

Do something crazy. Start enjoying life every day. Start making time to do it.

Buy yourself a notebook or a planner or use something digital.

Start reading my time management stuff, and then trying it.

And once you start finding a few extra minutes or hours in your day, decide what you're going to do with them.



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