CEO of Haven Athletic writing about focus, mindfulness, and building an ecommerce company.
3y ago
Morning Routines Are As Powerful As You Think They Are
Caleb Ulffers

My morning game changed after listening to Rob Dyrdek.

I've always had a morning routine, but it was never very intentional. In the last two years I created a more intentional routine by waking up early, reading, meditating, eating breakfast, then starting work.

I listened to a podcast with Rob Dyrdek (you know, the skateboarder from "Rob and Big" on MTV?) where he explained his morning routine. It looks like this:

4:30am Wake up
Brain training

Rob is an absolute machine. He's built and sold $450M worth of businesses the last 5 years. In his words he's the epitome of human optimization (swoon). I looked at my routine and decided to update.

My morning routine

6:00am Wake up
Brain Training

Days where I stick to this routine are better than days when I don't. I feel empowered, strong, clear, and focused.

Start somewhere

If you're not ready to commit to a full on routine, find one thing you can commit to. The book I read is The Daily Stoic which gives me a little tidbit to to be a better human and think about in my meditation.

Don't feel like you have to go all in right now. Pick one thing and then build more on top of that. This is a journey. Here's some questions to help guide you:

How do you feel? How do you want to feel? What changes could help you get there? What feels good? What feels empowering? What starts your day off right?


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