The 6 Tools Every Grower Needs In Their Scouting Kit According to BioSafe's Cannabis IPM Expert
Ben Owens | Hobby Grower

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is the "red headed step child" in cannabis.

People don't want to talk about problems in the grow until they have them.

Which is why Zac Ricciardi, National Cannabis Specialist for North America's leading agricultural chemistry supplier, stresses the importance of scouting and plantwork to easily spot issues before they become infections.

These are the six tools he recommends every grower carry when scouting their gardens to ensure effective, efficient processes with minimal cross-contamination.

The 6 Tools You Need In Your Grow Scouting Kit

  1. Gloves (To minimize contamination and protect yourself)

  2. Clean attire (To avoid bringing anything in with you)

  3. Loupe (To scope leaves)

  4. Plastic Baggies (To preventing cross-contamination when collecting samples for scoping)

  5. Markers/Flags (To mark and communicate issues, fast)

  6. Scissors + Cup w/ Disinfectant (To disinfect between plants)

Scouting ensures that the tailored approach you are using is actually working.

And don't forget to start with the cleanest rooms and plants!

You don't want to be the vector for any infestation–disease or pathogen or pest–that occurred in another room.


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