3 Pillars of a Hobby Grow Mindset
Ben Owens | Hobby Grower

On June 25th, 2019, I began my first Hobby Grow on an apartment patio with no experience, a bag of potting soil, and a clay pot, repurposed from a dead houseplant.

Like many, my road from seed to harvest was "paved with good intentions."

  • I wanted the best for my little seedling.

  • I thought I knew exactly how to best grow her.

  • I thought everything would go perfect because, like many first timers, I secretly hoped I was a natural.

Truth is: growing a plant teaches you how little control you have over another life.

You have to accept your role in the relationship between plant and caregiver, and believe that the journey is worth the destination, even if all hell breaks loose.

The 3 Pillars of a Hobby Grow Mindset

  1. Passion: Hobby Growers do it for the love of the plant; they love the craft without regard for profit.

  2. Patience: You cannot rush a plant; you have to work on her timeline. Patience is key to a Hobby Grow Mindset.

  3. Persistence: There will be days, and entire cycles, that test your will to continue, but Hobby Growers persevere when others would have thrown in the towel.

The best growers I know started as Hobby Growers, and are the most passionate, patient, and persistent people you'll meet.

And, while not a required mental pillar, Hobby Growers are usually among the first to Pay It Forward, sharing knowledge, processes, and guidance with new growers exploring a newfound interest.

It's easy to start a hobby grow, but it takes a certain kind of person–someone who truly loves this plant–to enjoy the process.


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