I am a superconsumer of blunts; it's how I first started smoking.

Since my first puff, I have smoked thousands of blunts, but, in recent years, I have developed a habit of taking a month off every so often.

For the month of November, I cut out blunts completely.

Taking a month off has helped me breath better, revisit other methods of consumption, and give my lungs a break.

I recommend every blunt smoker periodically take a month off.

And I have 5 specific reasons why:

  • #1: You'll save money (a box of Backwoods is ~$56 wholesale, $80-100 retail).

  • #2: You'll save weed (each blunt I roll is 2-3 grams, which adds up fast at 2-3 blunts a day).

  • #3: Your house, car and clothes will smell better (multiple blunts a day leaves a certain haze in the air).

  • #4: One blunt = half a cigarette (it's no secret that tobacco is a health risk)

  • #5: Absence makes the heart grow fonder (if you love blunts like I do, then you will have a newfound appreciation for them after 30 days off).

If you smoke blunts like I do and are considering taking some time off, let me know—I'd love to connect (and be part of your support squad during your month off!).



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