The Simplest Way Stabilize Temperatures In Your First Grow
Ben Owens | Hobby Grower

Every first time grower struggles with maintaining a stable environment, including keeping temperatures warm enough for a happy plant.

For new growers, maintaining temperature inside the grow is one of the most common issues–especially if the place you put your grow is unfinished or lacks insulation.

You can make small tweaks to your lighting and ventilation to adjust for this, but this will only help with minor corrections (your light is not going to be able to heat your grow if it's freezing in your basement or shed).

If you can't seem to get it locked in, here's what I recommend:

The best way to address the environment inside your grow is to stabilize the environment around it.

If it's too hot in your shed, consider an air conditioner. If it's too cold in your basement, consider a humidifier.

Your grow draws air from the environment around it; stabilize the source and you'll stabilize your grow.


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