Chase Arbeiter
Welcome to my Social Blog
2y ago

When you have a lot going on, it can feel like your brain is filled up, like that unused closet you stuff all the miscellaneous items into before your guests arrive.

But something as simple as a walk will significantly reduce the clog inside your head. You'll come away feeling refreshed, full of ideas, and clear on what to do next.

Unfortunately, far too many dads get kidnapped by the busyness of the day: work, side hustle, family to-do list, attempt to stay healthy, and of course, valuing that time with the best part of your life—your family.

Life moves much faster than we can keep up with.

  • Not enough time

  • Endless to-do list

  • It never slows down

  • Information overload

But in 30 minutes or less, you can build a habit that will give you back some sanity and help you overcome that feeling of constantly feeling 'behind' in life.

Here's how, step by step:

Step 1: Set your timer for 30 minutes!

Gift yourself 30 minutes each day to get some headspace.

Maybe you'll have to skip a few phone scrolls or check-ins with ESPN. But these 30 minutes need to be prioritized and on your calendar because they will enhance everything you're pursuing in life.

Step 2: Put your devices, email, and tech away!

Ok, this one will hurt: NO LOOKING DOWN AT YOUR PHONE!

Well, unless your wife calls, of course. But other than a family emergency, walk without a phone, headphones, or tech of any kind.

Step 3: Start walking and let your mind wander!

Now, let the magic unfold.

Your mind needs to unwind from the coiled mess it has become. You think and strategize and plan all day long. Leave that part of you at home and let the magic behind a long walk take over.

**Try it out for two weeks, Dads, and let me know if it works for you.**



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