You know that you want more from your life than what you are currently getting out of it.
Living your life on your terms, peace within, and intention, is incredibly rewarding. You aren't as far away from it as it seems some days. It won't happen overnight, but the work to create this is worth it.
It's unfortunate how many people give up on a life of purpose, happiness, and intention.
They have:
No vision or plan
Zero mindfulness
Lack of discipline
Short-term thinking
You could take control of your life and eliminate these forces with these three powerful mindsets:
If you think happiness results from what transpires in your life, you'll become miserable.
Life is full of things you have no control over: illness, market fluctuations, bad breaks. Your happiness can't hinge on everything in life being peachy and 'just right.'
Choose to live life with internal happiness, willingness to make the most of what lies ahead, and the courage to charge through the tough seasons.
Take ownership of your life for the choices you do have control over.
You can choose whether you want this job or another job. You can choose whether you want to be healthy by exercising and eating clean. You can determine how you spend your time, money, and energy.
You control your choices, even if you don't have authority over every outcome.
A truly fulfilling life can only occur by living driven by purpose.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting wealth, beautiful homes, and vacations that few can enjoy. But if your purpose doesn't drive these successes, you'll have an unfillable hole within.
When you discover your purpose, listen, the reward is too great to ignore.