I'm going to teach you how to pursue your dream life like Liam Neeson hunts down bad guys.
Your life should feel like a mission: adventurous, challenging, and inspiring. These four steps will boost your performance and create energy within.
A life lived seeking something out is so much more powerful than just hoping a goal comes true.
You have incredible strengths that you need to use to your advantage on your mission.
The internet and creator economy has created an environment where you no longer have to focus on fixing your weaknesses to fit into a corporate box. Most jobs require a square or rectangle or circle.
You are a much more dynamic shape than that, so stop trying to fit in.
Every story will have its moments of doubt, despair, and struggle.
Yours is no different. But if you choose to become immune to any failure or obstacles that fall in your path, you will be unstoppable. Develop the habit of moving right through them.
Nobody is more determined, deaf towards criticism, and willing to endure pain than an athlete.
Whether it's a marathon runner training for the 'crazy' or any athlete pursuing a 4th quarter comeback or an average physical presence proving their worth on a field or court—athletes must have the mission mindset.
Develop yours with strength, endurance, and a willingness to fight through any downturn.
Nobody is going to fully understand your mission the way you do.
I defy you to find a single story in entrepreneurship or innovation that which the hero of the story wasn't questioned, looked down on, or simply not taken seriously. Your mission is your mission, let others think you're weird.
Don't let obstacles, personal doubts, or criticism from others take you down.