Nobody wants to look back on their life with regret.
In the final scene of Godfather 3, Michael Corleone, once young, in control, and full of power, now sits alone with grey hair and looks quite fragile. The scene portrays the unfortunate results of a life of painful regret and bitter loneliness.
None of us are immune to regrets.
And we will all age in this life.
If you want to prevent a bitter ending, ask yourself powerful questions.
"Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers." — Voltaire
Powerful questions force you to dig deep within your soul.
It's not always the answers that yield the most significant results. But it's through the method in which you ask that you could unpack the greatest secrets of your life.
Start asking questions. Start with these.
If you don't know how you plan on spending your time, the world will drag you along in any direction you allow.
You'll take jobs you don't like, say 'yes' to things you aren't sure about, and live a life you aren't that excited about.
People living successful lives live intentional lives.
Life is too important to spend so much of your time with people who are 'ok.'
Business partners that steal your energy, friends that become an obligation, and people who drain you with their negativity are not a way to spend your life.
You are missing out on a chance to spend time with people you love, people who inject enthusiasm and energy into you, and people you could never spend too much time with.
Don't let another day go by without starting to design your life intentionally.