Christian Champ
Welcome to my Atomic Essays. I'm writing about parenting, business, leadership, and lifelong learning.
3y ago
Ideas from David Goggins That We Can Use When We Need to Dig Deep and Get It Done
by Christian Champ

David Goggins is a bad MoFo.

He does the unthinkable and then does it again.

His resume includes Bud/s (3x!!!), Ranger School, 100-mile races, Ironmans, and doing 4,030 pullups in 24 hours

Here are my favorite ideas from him:

Callous Your Mind 

Do things that cause discomfort so that you adjust to pain. Don't like moving, move a lot. Afraid of public speaking, start doing it all the time. Force yourself to speak; notice what happens.

Don't see yourself as a victim, but each challenge as a training moment. He views all the bad experiences and disappointments as the practice that makes him stronger.

Those experiences provide a mental edge and let you know anything is possible. They provide a reserve tank of energy when you need to dip into

Taking Someone's Soul

Know yourself and your adversary. When you face an opponent, your goal is to create a tactical advantage. If the opponent is a bully, you laugh when they bully you. If the opponent beats you in an area, you need to master that weakness. Know that you won't quit, and you always bring your best.

The goal is to dominate in a fashion that appears impossible. That is how you take someone's soul, make them face the unthinkable.

Start with Small Sparks

Little victories act like that spark a rocket ship needs to take off. We start with those small fires that can grow to burn down a forest. The goal is to spark many small fires to grow into that powerful fire.

Dip into the Cookie Jar 

We need to celebrate the tiny sparks as they fuel and feed us. Most people skip celebrating the little victories, but they fill up our cookie jar for future use.

Make a list of everything in your cookie jar so that you can use it when you need it.

40% Rule

When we hit our standard limit, we actually sit at 40% used up. When we think we hit the wall, we need to increase our pain tolerance, let go of our identity and give up our self-limiting stories. Then we unlock the reaming 60%.

When we suffer, we get to tape our reserves.

Peaceful but Unsatisfied

We can find peace in ourselves and continue to strive.


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