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1y ago
Fast Food and It Being Cheap and Easily Accessible

If you drive around, you’re most likely going to pass by many fast-food chains in the area. Fast food is easily accessible and is somewhat fairly priced for what’s given.

Big chains like Wendy’s for example, claim to serve fresh food as well as many other fast-food restaurants but we all know that to be a lie. Places like McDonalds and Burger King are known for using frozen food and reheating them and serving them to the public, which we all at one point eat up every time.


For something so unhealthy it always manages to taste so good, which clearly shows since I see large lines forming in these drive-in restaurants all the time especially at night. These restaurants are smart though since they’re so convenient, serving not only lunch but breakfast, multiple drinks, and even sweets.


I can’t lie, McDonalds was the best option for me when I didn’t have food or if I were driving and hungry in the moment. I never really cared about paying to eat in the moment since the prices were relatively cheap but I soon noticed that those prices are what shadows actual nutritional meals. I was so willing to spend money on something already made so I didn’t have to go out and cook for myself, which I assume is the deal with mostly everyone going to these drive-ins.


The amount of money being spent if you engage in this habit is large since the items you buy rack up overtime, with the amount being spent already you might as well buy actual nutritional meals that would end up being the same price of that being spent in let’s say a week. There are so many better options and even if cooking for yourself isn’t accessible you can try out pre-made meals given in grocery stores.

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