Clint Smith
Fortune 500 executive and venture capitalist turned Executive business mentor. Earned over $500M in revenues for corporations under my leadership. Served as CEO, VP, or Director for over a decade.
10mo ago

At UFC 300 a fighter named Renato Moicano's did a post fight interview where he said, "If you care about your fuking Country I would read Ludvig Von Mises and The 6 lessons of Ludwig Von Mises & the Austrian School of Economics Mother Fukers - Renato Moicano @moicanoufc [thread]

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Ludwig von Mises was a prominent economist and one of the major figures in the Austrian School of Economics. It's important to note that Renato is from Brazil which is in turmoil and the USA could be next if we're not careful.

Born in 1881 in Austria-Hungary (now Ukraine), Mises contributed significantly to the development of libertarian thought and economic theory, particularly in the areas of praxeology, monetary theory, and the economic calculation debate.

Premise Behind Austrian Economics: The Austrian School of Economics is a school of economic thought that emphasizes the spontaneous organizing power of the price mechanism and holds that the complexity ofsubjective human choices makes mathematical modeling of markets impractical.

1. Methodological Individualism: Austrian economics starts from the individual actions, stressing that economic phenomena result from these individual choices and actions, which themselves are determined by personal preferences and intentions.

2. Subjective Value: Unlike classical theories that find value in the labor or intrinsic properties of goods, Austrian economists argue that value is subjective. Goods and services are valuable because individuals place specific values on them based on their utility.

3. Praxeology: Introduced by Mises, praxeology is the study of human action, based on the idea that humans act purposefully, and these actions are at the heart of all economic analysis.

This approach rejects the empirical methodologies of the social sciences, arguing instead for theories derived from basic axiomatic truths.

4. Spontaneous Order: Austrians believe that order in markets arises spontaneously, formed by the self-interested actions of individuals,

Rather than being designed by governments or planners. The market process, driven by competition, leads to the discovery of new methods to coordinate human activity.

5. Business Cycle Theory: Austrian economists explain economic cycles through the theory of capital based on interest rates. Misallocations of capital, often spurred by manipulation of interest rates and credit by central banks, lead to unsustainable booms and corrective busts.

6. Economic Calculation Problem: Mises argued that socialism is economically and ethically inferior to a capitalist market economy because it lacks the mechanism for rational economic calculation provided by market prices.

Without price signals, rational planning of a complex economy is impossible, leading to inefficiencies and resource misallocation.

7. Critique of Interventionism: Austrians generally argue that government intervention distorts markets, leading to inefficiencies and economic dislocations. Mises was particularly critical of policies that interfered with the natural functions of the market.

Mises’ work and the broader Austrian School fundamentally challenge mainstream economic theories, particularly Keynesianism, which supports active government intervention.

Austrian economics promotes a strong advocacy for free markets and minimal government interference, influencing libertarian and free-market conservative movements around the world.

The Six Lessons of Mises explores key economic theories and practices by thoroughly examining capitalism, socialism, interventionism, inflation, foreign investment, and politics.


Mises offers timeless wisdom that applies more than ever. Understanding these lessons can guide us through economic uncertainty and toward sound policies. 📘


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Thank you for reading this thread and be sure to thank and follow Renato Moicano my hat's off to you friend!



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