Danni B
Welcome to my Social Blog. I'm a school psychologist and coach writing on self-improvement, psychology, and health & wellness.
2y ago
Feeling Fatigued With the Daily Writing Habit? Ask These Questions to Refocus
Danica Burke

We are in the home stretch of the 30-day writing challenge for Ship 30 for 30.

Maybe you are feeling energized that we are on the last week. Maybe you are feeling fatigued trying to keep up with the course and the 30-day writing habit. I'm currently on the fatigued side. Balancing a writing habit with other life demands is challenging on some days.

Regardless of your current feelings on this journey, there are ways we can keep our momentum going and finish what we started.

1. Take a look again at your why

What was your purpose for joining this challenge? Was your purpose to:

  • Create a writing habit

  • Improve your writing

  • Learn more about digital writing

  • Create a side hustle

  • Eventually leave your 9-5

    Revisit your WHY and journal about it. Revisit your feelings and try to keep the momentum going.

2. Look at how far you've come

There's no doubt you've gained some skills

  • Did you learn more about writing than you knew before?

  • Did you create a habit?

  • Did you make some connections with some amazing people?

  • Did you gain some confidence and put to rest a few of your fears?

  • Did you learn how to create a Twitter thread?

  • Do you understand headlines better?

  • Did you learn about analytics?

The changes are happening, no matter how small

We have all gained skills and development in at least one of these areas. There are changes happening within all of us. They might be subtle and may not feel monumental, but they are there.

Be proud of what you've accomplished and keep going!

"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop." -Confucius


Atomic Essay

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