Danni B
Welcome to my Social Blog. I'm a school psychologist and coach writing on self-improvement, psychology, and health & wellness.
2y ago
May 15, 2020 Was the Beginning of One of The Most Stressful and Meaningful Times of My Life
Danica Burke

My phone rang. A voice on the other end said, "Danica?-this is EMS. Your father has just been involved in a motorcycle accident."

My heart stopped. My mind began racing. Panic was setting in. I knew my father wasn't wearing a helmet because he never does. What were the chances he would survive this? What would I tell my 7-year-old son who considered grandpa one of his BEST friends? There was no way I could handle this.

I looked up. My 13-year-old was watching me. I realized I needed to stay calm. I couldn't control the outcomes. I had to just take each moment as it came to me.

My father had been riding his Harley when another driver ran a stop sign and hit him.

Somehow, my father did not have a head injury. He had a severe leg injury and wrist injury. They weren't sure if they would be able to save his leg.

What followed was multiple surgeries, physical rehab, and a loss of independence for my dad for 5 months. My dad could not put weight on his leg for 5 months so he used a walker and a wheelchair. He depended on me for meals, groceries, doctor appointments, and more.

I stayed with him for a while after his release from physical rehab. After that, I spent time going back and forth between my house and his house 3 times a day, eventually twice a day.

It was summer and my kids were out of school so I was trying to manage my home plus my dad's home. I was always on the go and definitely stressed trying to care for everyone.

But as I look back, the months my boys and I spent with my dad during this time were magical somehow.

As COVID was also happening during this time, we kept our circle small and spent much of our time with my dad.

During this time, we shared many meals together. My kids played at his house, watched shows with him, and helped take care of his lawn and flowerbeds. My father grew up in a family of 13 kids with very little money. We heard stories from his childhood I'd never heard before. My kids relished in these stories.

I got to know my dad on a different level. I got to see him through a different set of eyes. I learned things about him maybe I didn't see as a kid.

My dad is recovered but we still talk daily.

We share meals and see each other at least once a week. What was a stressful time for me ended up with several silver linings and memories I will cherish always.


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