David Murray
Changing stories with God's Story through sermons, books, and podcasts. Pastor, Author, Professor, PhD. Daily podcasts @ www.thestorychanger.life
2y ago
The Inescapable Story of Christ
David Murray

How do we interest people in the story of Christ?

We don’t have to. They already are interested. It’s just that they don’t realize it! That's what Josh Chatrow argues in chapter two of  Telling a Better Story: How to Talk about God in a Skeptical Age.

God’s Story is Inescapable

When it comes to the Gospel story, some don’t know it, some suppress it, some reject it, and some oppose it. However, the ignorant, the suppressors, the rejecters, and the opposers, cannot escape it.

The most popular stories in our culture are stories of guilt, sacrifice, redemption, resurrection, and a world beyond this. Echoes of the Christian story continue to influence the stories of our modern age, as even J. K. Rowling has admitted.

God’s Story is Imaged in us

Why is story so much part of us? Why can’t we shake off God’s Story?

It’s because God, the Master Storyteller, made us in his image, and therefore designed us as storytellers telling mini-stories that are shadows of the Greatest Story.

In J R Tolkien’s words, we are ‘sub-creators’ subconsciously mirroring our Creator and even echoing the “supreme” story that “entered History.”  The divine narrative is embedded within us.

The Christian story therefore connects with our stories, explains our stories, corrects our stories, completes our stories, and gives us a better story about stories.

How do we interest people in the story of Christ? As divine image-bearers, they cannot escape it, therefore take every opportunity to highlight Christ's story in the culture's stories.

Atomic Essay
