David Murray
Changing stories with God's Story through sermons, books, and podcasts. Pastor, Author, Professor, PhD. Daily podcasts @ www.thestorychanger.life
2y ago
You are worth the blood of God
David Murray

How much are you worth? What dollar figure would you put on your value? Everyone wants to be highly valued, to feel that they are worth a lot. How is that calculated?

In Chapter 7 of Telling a Better Story, Josh Chatrow guides us from a false to a true valuation.


The secular narrative of value is:

  •  We find our value by looking outside of ourselves (as advertisers know)

  •  Our value increases if we have the same sports shoe as LeBron James, the same body as Kim Kardashian, the same car, house, watch, job, success, followers, friends, etc., as (fill in the gap).

  •  If we can increase our value we’ll increase our happiness.

Questions to ask this story

  • What is your present value and how did you arrive at that figure?

  • What or who is your valuer or validator and how do their opinions/views/validation impact you?

  • How accurate/steady/secure is their valuation?

  • What if you lose your job, health, marriage, hero, etc?


We can now point people to the Christian story.

  • We get our value from God who made us in his image, redeems us through his Son, and lives in us by his Spirit.

  • Our worth is derived from God’s creative hands, Christ’s bleeding hands, and the Spirit’s ever-present hands.

  • Other people and things are not our source of worth but good gifts from God for us to enjoy for a time.

How much are you worth? Get your worth from God for the highest, safest, and happiest value.

Atomic Essay
