Fabian 🚢
Writing about Developer Productivity, Streamlining your workflow, and Mindful Digital Organisation
2y ago
Day 24: The Elegancy of a Good Commit: A Crucial Skill that most Developers Lack
Fabian @ederbit

Writing good git commits is a skill that most developers lack.

Whats a good Commit Look Like?

  • It's structured correctly, separating headline and body

  • It's easy to read, skim, and understand

  • It's written in Imperative mood

  • It delivers intention and reasoning

  • It gives context about the problem

  • It tells you why, not how

Every skill needs practise. So Commit small and often.

Use an industry standard to add semantic meaning to your commits.

The Conventional Commit Format

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

Example: feat(api): secure endpoint for user roles

Read The Standard https://www.conventionalcommits.org/

Why You should start using Conventional Commits

  • Train yourself to make smaller, and atomic commits

  • Elevate your Naming Skill (Totally underrated)

  • Makes your commits skimmable (And easier to review)

  • Forces yourself to take a step back upon commit (And not get lost)

Know your worth. And Hone your Craft. Daily.


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