Espresso Copy
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2y ago
10 Years Ago I Published My First Podcast. It Sucked but Started a Passion.
Made by @EspressoCopy

I am not an expert in Podcasting.

However I've had some surprising success considering my limited experience and research.

My first podcast was terrible, the second a surprise success:

I discovered podcasts when scanning documents after leaving university.

It was a boring job but it allowed me to listen to whatever I liked. Soon, I wanted to make one of my own, but on what? My flatmate at the time, even though he was British, loved NHL. So we made an ice hockey podcast.

It was as good as it sounds—not at all.

But a few years later I was teaching English in Spain and my school started a podcast.

A colleague and I talked about a different aspect of our life in Spain and compared it to our backgrounds, then we provided vocabulary and exercises on our website. Students loved it!

And somehow we got to the iTunes top 100 chart for language learning podcasts.

Since then, I've taken part in a couple of podcasts but nothing regular.

So my goal over the next couple of months is:

To learn how to edit a podcast really well and publish the first seasons of my new podcast.


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