Faisal Amjad
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3y ago
What would a Muslim Superhero look like?
Faisal Amjad

When you were a kid, who was your favourite superhero?

My favourite superhero was…(the answer may surprise you) 😳

...Captain Planet - because (all together now…)

"He's our hero, gonna take pollution down to zero…"

(Anyone who recognises that theme tune is automatically considered amazing in my book!)

For those who don’t remember him, he was big on children's tv in the 90’s.

The individual power of the four elements - earth, wind, water and fire - coupled with the most important of the powers…heart - would activate him and he could save the Earth!

It got me thinking about what a Muslim superhero would look like?

Let’s call him Captain Muslim - not very original I know.

What would his powers be?

Actually - in the same spirit as Captain Planet - we could say he has the powers of the 5 Pillars - each of them doing a different thing in helping to change the world.

🤲 Shahadah - Faith. This is the power of deep faith and belief. For you to be successful, you need to be firm in your vision, in what you believe in, to not be swayed easily and to constantly drive towards your goal without being flimsy or rolling over.

🙇 Salah - Prayer. The need to pray 5 times delivers you with the key skill of connection, clarity of mind and punctuality.

🚱 Sawm - Fasting. The ability to withstand your desires builds iron discipline and keeps you healthy.

💰 Zakah - Giving Charity. This is the superpower of managing wealth correctly, justice and ensuring distribution to those in need.

🕋 Hajj - Pilgrimage. This is the power of our community - getting together in harmony for one cause greater than anything. Unified power.

What does this mean?

Imagine someone you know, had strong unshakeable faith, they were super disciplined, punctual and calm. Super healthy and active, they cultivated great relationships, they were just and fair in their dealings, managing their resources properly and were united towards one great mission.

You would probably say they were a great leader, or had all the skills to be super successful in life, right?

Any self-help book worth its salt references some if not all of these as critical drivers to success.

Here’s the good news. YOU can be Captain Muslim!

We can all be Captain Muslim!

As Muslims, these 5 pillars are inherent to our faith. We all have these superpowers within our ability - and it is safe to say if we applied them as they were meant to be applied - then truly greatness is within your grasp.


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