Gil Silberman 🚢
I helped start 300+ tech companies, including 5 unicorns. Yours next?
2y ago

My first CEO job, I was supervising a contractor team drilling for water on a tangerine grove on the flank of Palomar Mountain in Southern California. A 25-year old kid on an upside down bucket occasionally barking out questions and decisions.

The men were nervous. The week before a similar rig was lost, crew and all, when a void they had unknowingly created gave way, sucking man and machine down into the soft earth.

Today I saved the entire crew from a different disaster. Read the full piece for how.

I learned three business lessons.

  • The CEO has both the top and the bottom job at any startup. To start a company bring a checkbook and a shovel

  • An observant newcomer can avert disasters that lifetime professionals create

  • Take workplace safety seriously, please


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