Gil Silberman 🚢
I helped start 300+ tech companies, including 5 unicorns. Yours next?
2y ago

It's 4:13AM you're staring out a window, no idea who you are, where you are, or how you got there.

A third of a second later your mind powers on and awareness of self rushes in like water overflowing a bathtub. Lapses of perception like this may seem rare but they happen all the time. In fact they are the normal state of being, you just don't notice them.

Where you are could be "my bedroom", could be "Cincinnati, Ohio", could be "in a complicated relationship."

Could be a couple hundred feet up overlooking a wide road beside a dark canal.

Of course I'm talking about myself, just got my pronouns reversed. Personally, I'm about to start something big, that's where my thoughts hang out.

You have to answer questions like this for yourself, right?

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