Cant help myself, can't stop writing
You may not know me but you know my writing. I'll tell you where, later.
I admit, I wrote the Wikipedia articles for Cat Agility and Mother's Cookies.
Multiply that by 10,000 and you get the idea.
I'm the guy who throws a Gatsby party then lurks behind watching everyone else have fun.
You kids have fun! Start companies, make a fortune, publish a book. Climb a mountain, make babies, find God. I'll still be here, typing.
Here's why
Compulsive personality + I type fast = online obsession
I love compliments. A simple like keeps me going for days.
To make a big difference in the world with what I have to offer.
Did I mention, I'm shy?
Things are about to change
To impose a little discipline I've enrolled in an online writing course called Ship30 and will be posting 30 essays in 30 days to LinkedIn and Twitter.
They'll be business disasters, mostly my own, that are funny and terrifying at the same time. So you can get a scare, enjoy it, and learn something at the same time.
Let me know what you think, okay?