Gil Silberman 🚢
I helped start 300+ tech companies, including 5 unicorns. Yours next?
2y ago
Why I Write Online
Gil Silberman 🚢

Not only have I helped launch 300+ startup companies, including some unicorns, but I'm also a prolific online writer:

Did I mention I incorporated LinkedIn?

Here's why:

  1. I love the interaction

    You can't believe the satisfaction at an OG meetup, or when a rock star or business exec posts tweets about my article, "we're now on Wikipedia!"

  2. It maximizes my contribution to the world

    30 million page reads and 20,000 followers makes things efficient. One minute writing spreads half a day of reading truth to the world

  3. Let's face it, recognition and adulation are nice

But I've never been serious, writing was always a hobby. I want to take it up a notch.

What's next:

I've signed up for Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole's cohort-based digital writing course, Ship 30 for 30.

Over the next 30 days, I'll be writing about how to make your startup or small business succeed by avoiding failure.

More specifically, how to save your company when existential disaster strikes. Not preparation before, or learnings the day after, but TIME ZERO, ACTION NOW!

I'll share candid anecdotes from my own career's many near misses, and practical advice on what you can do right now if something is happening.

We've all been there, on a sinking ship. Sometimes the ship doesn't sink.

Join me on this adventure—and let me know if you have any questions along the way!


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