Gil Silberman 🚢
I helped start 300+ tech companies, including 5 unicorns. Yours next?
2y ago

But I haven't gone anywhere

Just here in Waikiki by the beach with the chickens

Silicon Valley is a community

Things got hairy and the pandemic sealed the deal. We all picked up and left, our affiliation of dreamers, builders, makers, inventors and investors.

Silicon Valley is now scattered across the world, a metonym like Hollywood, Madison Avenue, Wall Street, or Main Street USA.

My little corner of it is full of rainbows, sunsets, mangoes and palm trees, and I'm not going to name it anything.

¹ To my list-obsessed friends, there is also Silicon North, Forest, Slopes, Harbor, Docks, Gorge, and Bayou.

Know any others?

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