Graeme Crawford
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1y ago
5 Ways To Embrace US Culture for UK Immigrants in the USA
Graeme Crawford

The path to feeling at home in the USA for UK immigrants often begins with an open embrace of American culture.

Learn the History: To understand American culture, study its history. Learn about key historical events, such as the founding of the nation, civil rights movements, and major wars, which have shaped America's present.

Sports: Immersing yourself in American sports, like American football, baseball, or basketball, can provide common ground for conversations and friendships. It can also help you understand many cultural references.

Food: America's cuisine is regionally diverse and influenced by numerous cultures. Try local specialties and participate in traditional food-related celebrations, like Thanksgiving.

Holidays: Engage in American holidays, understanding their history and traditions. From the patriotic Fourth of July to the family-focused Thanksgiving, each holiday provides insight into American culture.

Civic Participation: Understanding American politics and participating in civic duties can help you feel more connected to your new home.

By immersing yourself in different aspects of American life, you can better appreciate and understand your new home.


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