Heather Larson (she/her) 🚒 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡»
I help you become the architect of your own destiny. Personal development tools for creators: Coaching, Yoga, Meditation, & Reiki.
2y ago

New month πŸ—“ new goals, right?


New month, same old stuff.

Achieving goals is boring.

It's just consistency.

It's showing up each day.

It's me just trying to beat my previous record.

I still want the same stuff I did last month.

Maybe I'm closer.

There's just no burning bush moment πŸ”₯

I think this is where a lot of people fail.

We expect excitement or even a cheering section.

But no one notices or cares.

It's just you. Doing your thing. Day in, day out.

The more "boring" the better! πŸ’«

Keep at it.

This is your sign to keep at it.

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