Here's what they are and how to fix them:
Issue 1: Non-visible links
What It Means: Links should be visually different from plain text.
How To Fix It: Underline, bold, or change the color of links to make them visually stand out from plain text.
Issue 2: Inconsistent icons
What It Means: All the icons look like they were picked from different libraries. Color, line thickness, and style are very different, making things look inconsistent.
How To Fix It: Stick to one good icon library per project. If you need very niche-specific icons, have a set commissioned.
Issue 3: Buttons are too small
What It Means: The tappable/clickable area of the button is difficult to press whether on mobile or desktop devices. This can be frustrating to the user and doesn't consider users with impairments or difficulty interacting with smaller touch targets.
How To Fix It: Increase the size of buttons to be at least 26px X 38px and test this out across different devices.
Issue 4: Incorrect mouse cursor for various interactions
What It Means: Hovering over a button for example doesn't change the mouse cursor to a pointer-style cursor. This might seem pointless but users expect to see the mouse cursor change to show them how to interact with something.
How To Fix It: The default cursor arrow should change to a pointing hand (pointer) when you hover over buttons + links.
Good design often goes unnoticed.