Jennifer Whichello
Mindful Money Coach - helping women have blissful relationships with their money and build vision-driven financial plans. Free resources @
2y ago
Do You Plan to Spend or Invest Today? Here's Why the Answer Matters.
Jennifer Whichello

Most people think that every time they open their wallet, what they are doing is spending money.

Whether it's groceries, a new dress, or even a glass of wine. They see these as expenses. But what if they viewed their purchases as investments instead? Would they still make them?

When I stopped spending and started investing, the value I derived from my day-to-day transactions increased.

And I transformed my relationship with money.

I used to live in a fancy apartment in downtown Seattle. It came with a really nice gym that you could reserve for one. Essentially, it was a private, luxurious gym just for me.

How often did I use it? Never.

You see, in my mind, it was not an investment. So it had little value. But now that I pay for three fitness memberships, I work out almost every day of the week in order to squeeze the most juice out of each. And because I believe they are financial investments in my health and wellness.

This simple shift in perspective can save you from wasting money on throwaway goods and services.

Stop and ask yourself each time you make a purchase "is this an investment?". Not everything will be, but the key is to be intentional about your spending and to shift more of your dollars towards making investments instead of low-value, short-lived transactions.

Expand your definition of "investment."

When I buy groceries, I'm investing in my family's wellbeing. A fancy coffee at the corner shop is an investment in my local small business owner. Deepak Chopra's new book is an investment in my continued development. And a glass of wine with a friend is an investment in our relationship.

I initiate these transactions with a clear understanding of why I'm making them and what I intend to get out of each. And then I make sure I realize the return on investment.

Try it now. Think about what you plan to spend money on today and determine whether it's an investment or an expense. Then watch how your mindset shifts.


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