Jennifer Whichello
Mindful Money Coach - helping women have blissful relationships with their money and build vision-driven financial plans. Free resources @
1y ago
Yes, You Can Stop the Cycle of Living Paycheck to Paycheck. Here's the First Step.
Jennifer Whichello

Are you finally making good money, but still feel you have nothing to show for it?

Living paycheck to paycheck, even though that check has gotten a lot bigger.

You're not alone. I've been there and nearly every woman I know has too!

We've all fallen into the same trap. Believing more money will be the solution. Hustling to get that promotion, raise, or new job just for the bump in pay.

I'm 100% for women getting bigger checks and we need to keep pushing for more, and then some more. But we must understand that when more cash is pumped into a broken system, our problems just get bigger.

And at some point, you recognized that all your hard work paid off - you got what you were chasing. But your situation with money didn't improve.

Maybe then you fell into a new trap - resigning yourself to a life of just "getting by."

That's what I did. Until I had a coach who opened my eyes.

You see, if you're like me, you've already demonstrated over and over again that you are 1) worthy of building wealth and 2) absolutely capable of doing it.

Here's the proof:

  1. You got intentional about making more money because you knew you were worth it.

  2. You set your sights on the end goal and did whatever you had to do to land that job/promotion/raise.

  3. You read up to this point because deep inside you know you can do this - you can fix your relationship with money and start building real wealth.

Are you ready to start?

The first step is to make this declaration: Yes, I can and will do this.

And then decide if you want to do it alone (I've got resources on my site to help) or with a partner (like a coach or financial planner - hey, I do both).

Now, take action. Seriously, right now. This very moment.


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