Jennifer Whichello
Mindful Money Coach - helping women have blissful relationships with their money and build vision-driven financial plans. Free resources @
2y ago

If you want to embrace abundance, stop filling your cup up with stuff.

Perhaps you believe that once you get that promotion, the big salary, a new car, designer clothes, way cooler friends, then you'll finally be happy.

You might think you're striving for fulfillment, but what you're actually getting is fillfullment.

I used to think I could find happiness in "getting" too.

I was fixated on acquiring and having, but never on being. My life was filled with people and stuff. And some pretty big money missteps.


  • Using money to keep up with the Joneses

  • Buying things and experiences just because I could

  • Using credit irresponsibly and without a repayment plan

  • Expecting money and things to make me happy

  • Believing more is better (although never enough)

I found fulfillment when I decided to start living rich instead of trying to get rich.

I stopped looking for solutions from the outside world and directed my focus inwards. My first step was to recognize all the amazing blessings in my life. My tools were meditation, self-reflection, and gratitude.

I called this transformative process my "Ananda Project" (it means bliss). When I emerged from it, I had cultivated a new, blissful relationship with money.


  • Using money to keep up with my vision, values, and purpose

  • Buying things and experiences because they give me joy and lasting value

  • Using credit responsibly and when it aligns with my financial plan

  • Expecting to be happy regardless of money

  • Believing better is better

See the difference?

Here's the most important lesson I learned: When you stop focusing all your energy on what you think you are lacking and direct it towards being grateful and of value to others, financial abundance flows to you like never before.

So ask yourself "am I seeking fillfullment or fulfillment?".



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