In order to get your livestream chat log on fire, you're going to need to keep your audience on the edge of their seats.
I've been livestreaming for SamCart's YouTube channel for the past six months and we've recently hit a peak of 80 live audience members watching at one time.
The ISSUE is keeping your audience engaged for the entire livestream.
Here are our 4 tips to keep your LIVE audience begging for more:
You talking to a camera (no matter how pretty you are) gets boring after a while.
Creating a slide deck has TWO powerful effects: 1) it's a visual change to the livestream, which re-engages your audience, and 2) it sets the agenda for the stream - keeping you on track.
What are chat tags? Think hashtags but for your livestream chat.
During our SamCart Takeovers, we encourage our audience to type "#SC" and then type out their takeaway. You have to give your audience an excuse to use the chat function.
Otherwise, they sit back and watch...and eventually leave.
In the middle of the stream, drop in an Easter egg for future viewers.
I stole this idea from Devin Nash, and his secret callout is this...
"We are at the 22-minute mark of the livestream, if you've made it this far, type 22 in the comments."
It's a subtle, powerful, and funny way to re-engage your live audience.
The bonus to this callout is you can see how far along people watched your past livestreams. Data!
If you let your audience sit back and relax, they will eventually leave.
A livestream is NOT like a regular video. You the viewer are 50% of the equation. Interrupt yourself, look directly into the camera, and tell your audience to type their questions in the chat.
Q&A is my favorite part of livestreaming. Encourage it.