🚀 Startups! Here’s the #1 reason why no one is watching your software demos on YouTube...
Your Brand Standards.
Startups pay millions of dollars each year to create brand guidelines and they go on to believe that brand standards should be applied to EVERY part of the business. When the CEO/Founder & CMO want to upload their latest feature announcement on YouTube - they apply the brand standards.
Startup CMOs cling to brand standards (probably because of the 50+ meetings they attended with the design team in “perfecting” the brand’s look).
However, it fails on YouTube - Here's why...👇👇
❌ No one cares about your logo
❌ Your “corporate” stock images are too safe
❌ Cold audiences don’t care about brand consistency
😫 Your Brand Standards are Boring.
Each thumbnail is the movie poster to your video.
And when startups cling to safe brand guidelines, they ignore the opportunity to create click-worthy thumbnails. Go to any corporate, Fortune 500 YouTube channel - staler than month-old bread. These brands fail to place themselves in their audience’s shoes.
Your audience is constantly ask, “Why should I care about this? What’s in it for me?”
And, this is how to break that old way of thinking...
🗡️ Become a Mercenary. Do whatever it takes...to get clicks.
No one will EVER see your video - no one will EVER appreciate your marketing team’s hard work unless they actually click on the video.
As a Startup CMO, you are a mercenary. Your mission on YouTube is to do whatever it takes to get audiences clicking on your video. You have to believe that your video is SO good that it justifies posting an insane and wild thumbnail.
It will never be clickbait, if you can back it up with a great video.
🌅 Startups are waking up that brand guidelines are just that...guidelines.
Brand guidelines help lead the look for the website, the emails, and the app itself - but YouTube is a different game.
💥 You are in the attention-grabbing game. Your customers will grow to appreciate your brand consistency, but you first have to attract them into your world. And if you wanna do that on YouTube, you have to do away with the guidelines and become a mercenary.