As a course creator, when you take someone else's course, become an observer.
One of my biggest observations from Ship30 was their Events app for their live calls: There are many problems with livestreaming on YouTube, here's how Luma solves the 4 major issues:
📆 Problem #1: Built-in Reminders
The best copywriting tip: Tell 'em once, tell 'em again, tell a third time.
Our audience's lives are so busy that they need to be constantly reminded about your upcoming event. The only thing available from YouTube is that it will post your LIVE thumbnail in the Subscription feed that says "Upcoming".
But unless the event is happening in the next 10 minutes, viewers are HIGHLY unlikely to 1) stick around or 2) remember the event.
Luma has built-in reminder emails 1-hour and 5-minutes before the show starts.
📠Problem #2: Communicate Directly with Your Audience
During a livestream, you will have technical difficulties - guaranteed.
We've been 10 minutes past the showtime still trying to fix our microphones. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to send out a quick email to everyone that your show's going to be delayed or postponed? On YouTube, you really don't have that option.
Don't leave your audience in the dark.
🤩 Problem #3: Feedback
So how did you do? How was the livestream?
You don't know...well let's fix that. Luma will send out a post-show email thanking your audience for attending and then asking them for feedback. Since we've used Luma, our feedback loop has gone from one comment per show to 20!
Remember, you're making a show for them - not you. So listen carefully.
📈 Problem #4: Growing Your Audience with Compound Interest
If you're going to livestream, then you need to act like a TV show.
You're on the air every Tuesday at 4pm - Build in that cadence.
With Luma you can create a recurring events page, where your audience can not only book your next show - but EVERY show in the series. And they will get reminded of each show as it approaches.
Every week, your audience compounds over time.