❌ SEO Experts please excuse yourself from this article.
✅ Here's how noobs can quickly start to rank in search on YouTube THIS WEEK.
If you want to become the go-to expert in your field, ranking and holding that rank on YouTube search is all the credibility that you need. And YouTube is looking for the best thought-leaders to rank #1 for their search results.
Here are 3 easy steps to climbing the ranks of your targeted keywords:
Both apps have great Keyword Tools.
Use these apps to find keywords in your industry. Keep lengthening the search phrase. We want to find VERY specific keyword searches
Instead of "YouTube tips" look for "How to start a YouTube channel for beginners with a phone in 2022".
If there are not a lot of search results, that means YouTube is desperate for something good - AKA your video covering a very specific keyword.
Create videos that go after that VERY specific string of keywords in your industry. YouTube will reward you for filling in the gaps in their search results.
After you create several dozen "weird" long-tail keyword videos, now you can start to aim higher at the mid-tier videos.
So instead of "how to start a youtube channel for beginners with a phone in 2022", now you can go after "How to start a YouTube channel in 2022".
Keep climbing.
The ultimate step is to go after the broad top-level keywords, but right now just focus on getting ranked for VERY specific searches. YouTube will reward you.