How I wrote a talk over a campfire:
Memorial Day weekend, we went from our 100 mph lives in New York City to my partner's home in Wisconsin, where life is a blissful 5 mph. Daily, our only mandate was to barbecue inordinate amounts of meat, eat, drink and rest.
At night, we made a fire in the fire pit
Over the fire one evening, I was chatting with an uncle who is an accomplished artist. He's 66 years old and increasingly feeling like he is not part of the current conversation anymore. Now was an era of women artists of color to shine.
I disagreed.
I said, "A perfect way to insert yourself back into the conversation is to talk about all the women who have supported your work over the years."
I cited Lee Krasner and Peggy Guggenheim, two women behind Jackson Pollack's success.
That night, as the fire licks rose and fell, He rattled off the various women curators and gallerists who represented him, curated his work over the years.
I said, okay, now you have your talk. "The Women Who Have Managed My Art Career."
"So what are your learnings? See this is the key. This is the gift for your audience. This is how you insert yourself back into the current zeitgeist of celebrating women.
We came up with 3 learnings:
👨🏻🎨 Pick gallerists or curators whose visions align. He recalled a female gallerist who curated several artists' works, but with a certain eclectic vision in mind. Similarly, she had cultivated a client list that was only drawn to that genre of work.
👨🏻🎨 Pick gallerists or curators whose values align. While its great to produce great art, it's also key to get paid for that art. He was glad that his values aligned with that of another female gallerist who was prompt and judicious with payment.
👨🏻🎨Pick a gallerist who has great salesmanship. He clearly recalled one gallerist who could sell ice to an eskimo. Selling was a limitation of his, so he was happy that she could pick up where his artistry left off.
I host a Mastermind for senior women leaders and business owners who have certainty around a goal and want the right group and the accountability around it to make their 'wish' into 'their reality.'
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