Justin Zack
Newsletter Operator
1y ago
4 Ways To Work Smarter From "The Power Of Habit" By Charles Duhigg
Justin Zack
  1. Make A "Keystone" Habit. Keystone habits trigger a chain reaction that influences other habits and behaviors. For example, exercising leads to eating healthier, more focus, and productivity. In each area of your life, (health, wealth, and relationships) identify one habit that creates a domino effect.

  2. Start A Superspreader. Habits can spread from one person to another, creating positive change within a team. If one team member starts being more organized, others will follow suit. Encourage positive habits on your team, set the example, and create a supportive environment for habit formation.

  3. Create The Right Surroundings. The environment in which a habit is formed and performed can have a big impact on behavior. Cluttered space, cluttered mind, messy habits.

  4. Track Your Progress. Set habit-related goals and track your progress. Track your progress in a journal or on a chart and reward yourself when you hit a milestone.
