Kat Garcia
eCommerce Email & SMS Marketing Strategist. I write about email & SMS marketing and solopreneurship.
2y ago
eCommerce email copywriting: How I write emails that make $$$ using Review Mining
Kat Garcia | @heykatgarcia

eCommerce emails done right make brands $$$.

It drives revenue and sometimes even some well-deserved clout. Many companies rely on email to deliver 30%+ of their revenue.

Unfortunately, many companies are leaving money on the table by not doing the research before writing their emails.

Well-researched eCommerce email copy is key to conversion

If you do your research well, your copy is gonna slap better than those pulled out of you-know-where.

One effective way to do research is by review mining. It's using reviews to get a good idea of the motivations and pain points your customers are addressing using the product.

Here's how to review mine, step by step:

Step 1: Mining locations

  1. Your reviews - If you're new and/or don't have many reviews, go to #2.

  2. Your competitors - Most of these are gonna be 5-star reviews, so be choosy.

  3. Amazon and the like - Where you'll find gold nuggets, especially the 3- and 4-star reviews.

Step 2: Start mining

Start mining and make a record of your findings.

I use Google Forms. Create a form where you can enter info such as:

  • Name of competitor + review URL

  • Motivations or pain points

  • Key phrases

With forms, you just refresh to start a new entry, and when you're done, you have a nice clean spreadsheet of all your findings.

Step 3: Find trends

Now go through the results and find trends.

What topics come up all the time? Motivations? The pain points? This will help you prioritize and address topics in your copy.

Take note of interesting phrases you can use.

NEVER copy entire blocks of text. Find small snippets that convey the message you want to get across. When in doubt, check with legal.

Happy mining!


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