I don't know about you, but my early 20s were an awkward time.

I thought I knew who I was. I was wrong.

I thought I knew who I SHOULD be. I was wrong.

I thought I knew who I wanted to be with. I was wrong.

I was wrong about a lot of things. The trouble was at the time, I didn't know it.

From the lofty vantage point of my present hindsight, it's painfully obvious how much of an idiot I was back then. But at the time I was clueless.

I didn't realize I walking in a swirling blizzard of confusion.

A blanket of bone-chilling cold that would penetrate my mind and body then follow me like a heavy shadow for years.

Cold darkness

A granite mountain clothed in white snow. Winds whipping around the base and peak, obscuring the path.

Knee deep snow surrounds the imposing geological feature. The path up, around, and through is marked by scattered red markers barely visible in the whiteout conditions, lost to the frigid landscape.

My young adult years are a snowy mountain dungeon. Seemingly impenetrable and impassable.

My next few entries will explore the maze of a dungeon that was of my own design.

Reliving the sensations caused by the freezing labyrinth won't be pleasant. But the experience and insight gained will be worth it.

What do your 20s look like?

What wisdom could you gain by traveling through that domain once again?


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