Lee Drozak
Digital Vagabond | Remote Business Owner | WordPress Fixer | I 💙 Flexibility and Freedom
3y ago
Being Deliberate in 2022
Lee Drozak

Yes, I pick a word or theme every year as a guide - do you?

I've been picking a yearly word or theme for about ten years now. I would randomly choose a word that I thought would fit my goals most years.

This year was different, though.

Giving it thought and time

Brainstorm, revise, rethink, and have no judgment.

Instead of looking at a list of 100 words you can find in any Google search, I sat down and noodled on all the things that you'd like to focus on this year.

Finding a common theme

From my thoughtful list, I looked for patterns.

I looked for the patterns or themes in what was left. From there, I looked at how those patterns interacted with who I wanted to be in 2022.

Create a list of ideas 

The place where the rubber meets the road.

It was time to create a list of words that worked with the theme. My theme was to create more with less perfectionism - doing with determination and joy.

Marinate on it

With my list of words, it was time to try them on for size.

I did not want to pick a word without reflection, so I tried them all for size. How would I apply my word to my goals, hopes, and dreams? Sitting with it was the most challenging part of the process.


DELIBERATE: done consciously and intentionally; engage in careful consideration; leisurely and steady in action; slow and even

This year I will be moving steadily forward with purpose and intention. How about you?


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