Founders or CEOs of self-managing organisations: don't travel alone!
Lisa Gill (she/her)

Here are three companions you'll need for the journey if you are leading an organisation in a transformation towards self-management.

If you are a founder or CEO, you are the biggest obstacle.

I've seen so many leaders undermine transformational efforts by being unaware of how they are dominating or abdicating or infecting the culture.

It's not because they're bad or wrong, only that we are all unlearning a paradigm of work that's dominated for over a century.

For this reason, never travel alone.

Here are three companions you will need to guide you along the bumpy road.

#1: Court jester

Just as the eye has blindspots, so does our consciousness.

You need someone who will speak truth to power; tell the emperor when he has no clothes. The higher up you are, the less people will be inclined to do this so you have to proactively ask for it.

#2: Personal trainer 

In the gym, a personal trainer helps you get in shape and avoid injuries.

You need someone with whom you can train the abilities needed to be a more coaching leader, get feedback and input on how to improve.

#3: Listening ear 

It can be lonely and painful to open yourself up to scrutiny and feedback from across the organisation.

You need someone (a therapist or a soul friend) with whom you can share your growth pains and emotional struggles, who will listen with deep compassion so that you feel heard and seen.

So be brave, dear leader, and choose your companions well.

And good luck for the journey ahead.


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