Most of the time when you set a goal it's something simple, without any depth, like "run 3x per week." These kinds of goals are easy to quit because they mean little to you.
You've likely only set them because that's what you see other people doing, but there's no why behind them for you.
A goal like this doesn't seek results, fails to look at the long-term, and isn't inspiring.
With the 4 Levels of goals, which is the 2nd "4" in The 4-4-4 Goal-Setting System, you can change all of this. Your goals will have meaning, depth, trackability, and an inspiring and motivational vision for your future.
These levels include:
1. Actions
You can't achieve any of your goals without action.
To add this layer to your goals, ask yourself "what daily action, if I were to become consistent at it, would 100% guarantee that I would reach my goal?" Set daily actions rather than weekly or monthly.
For example, your action could be to spend an hour of quality time with your kids every day, or spend 30 minutes moving your body daily.
But actions have no direction without Level 2-Outcomes.
2. Outcomes
Outcomes are what you hope will happen from your goals. They provide direction and purpose and are essential to making your actions mean something. An action step without outcomes isn't even a goal.
Finding your outcomes is simple, you just have to write about what you hope the end result will be from your actions. It's best to set outcomes on a weekly basis.
This might include losing one pound per week, or becoming closer to your children.
Outcomes are essential, but we can add even more meaning with the power of vision.
3. Vision
This level is all about a vision of what you want your life to look like. It includes how reaching your goals will affect every pillar, from spiritual and social to mental and physical. This is where you get inspiration to keep going when it gets tough.
To add this level to your goals, consider what your life will be like if you were to reach each of your goals. Envision what will be different 12 weeks from now if all of your daily actions and weekly outcomes happened. It's best to consider this on a longer-term basis, like quarterly or yearly.
You might visualize yourself making more money and get excited about all of the vacations and life improvements you'll spend it on.
As helpful as vision is, however, there is one final level that provides the greatest improvement to your goals.
4. Identity
The final level of meaningful goals is identity. It’s all about finding your highest values and letting those guide you to figure out what you hope your goals will help you become.
Seeking a growtin in your identity gives you the highest level of meaning and inspiration. It’s the final result you hope to achieve from your goals.
To find your desired identity, look at the people you admire most. What titles of theirs do you aspire to? Do you want to be a runner, a great father or mother, selfless, a writer, or something else?
Take your time to figure these out for each of your goals because they will be the ultimate driver of most of your success by providing maximum motivation to grow.
With all 4 levels complete, you’ll be amazed at how much more effective your goals are.